About the industry

Key Facts about the asset management sector

The asset management sector is now considered the third pillar of the financial sector alongside banks and insurance companies.

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A total of around 700 fund companies are active in the German market, ranging from independent fund boutique banking to subsidiaries of insurance companies. BVI's 116 members manage assets with a volume of some EUR 4 trillion and thus cover over 95 percent of the German market. Investment funds play an important role, for example, in financing companies and governments, in old-age provision and as a driver of sustainable transformation.

Role of the Fund Industry

Financing the real economy

Investment funds are intermediaries. They bring together the money provided by millions of savers and institutional investors, and match it with the capital demands of companies and governments. They therefore enable growth and innovation.

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Backbone of pension planning

Investment funds play a central role in pension planning: although people save for their retirement through insurance companies, pension schemes and employers, the money invested is mainly managed in investment funds. In addition, Germans save for retirement directly in funds (e.g. 'Riester'-pension).

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Fund industry plays a key role

For the green transformation, substantial investments in infrastructure are necessary. Funds are the driving force behind this transformation, as they bring togeher capital and projects. You can also find out how the sustainable funds market is developing in our quarterly market overview.

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Germany: The largest fund market in the EU

Germany is the largest fund market in the EU. The German market is also well ahead in terms of growth.

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BVI's members self-regulation

Rules of conduct

BVI's members have committed themselves to voluntary standards of conduct since 2003. Thereby, they take special account of their trusteeship and their obligations towards investors.

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Responsible investing

Asset manager see it as part of their fiduciary duty to consider ecological and social criteria as well as criteria for good corporate governance (ESG criteria) in their investment processes.

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Member area

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